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About MEA

BYU Mathematics Education Association

Mathematics: Education for Eternity

MEA is a student organization with a goal to provide all students interested in mathematics education with additional tools and resources to help them become better math educators and also to promote unity among the students within the math education major.

MEA activities are designed to help the BYU students incorporate this motto into their education and their future careers. Activities provided by the association include lectures, workshops and socials which are intended to enrich the education of the members in ways that they will be able to pass on to their future students.


The Mission of MEA is to help students:

  1. Develop relationships with mathematics education students and faculty
  2. Become better teachers
  3. Increase their knowledge of resources, opportunities, and information concerning mathematics education
  4. Develop their ideas and viewpoints concerning mathematics education
  5. To have fun!

Executive Board Duties


  • Oversees all operations of MEA
  • Approves all activities and must attend as often as possible
  • Works with the Executive Board to plan and orchestrate activities
  • Must be a member of NCTM and keep up communication with UCTM
  • Serves as a representative on the Student Advisory Board for the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


  • Oversees service projects
  • Helps the president with their duties
  • Must be a member of NCTM/UCTM and represents MEA at NCTM/UCTM meetings
  • Keeps up regular communication with NCTM
  • Informs MEA of NCTM events and gives NCTM information to Publicity Officer for the bulletin board
  • Updates MEA on UCTM activities


  • Oversee the association’s finances
  • Keeps minutes at Executive Board Meetings
  • Collects data at each of the activities (i.e., roll of who is attending and class they are enrolled in)
  • Keep a list of volunteers for personal tutoring opportunities


  • Promotes the association and each activity
  • Updates and maintains the association’s bulletin board
  • Takes pictures at all events for the board and website
  • Keeps up events and lectures on the bulletin board
  • Sends announcements to the Administrative Assistant to email out to all the MEA members


  • Schedules the room for each activity
  • In charges of refreshments
  • Makes sure the refreshments are taken to the activity
  • Report financial costs for the organization to the secretary after each activity


  • Brings unique insight and suggestions to club activities and meetings
  • Helps with mentoring programs and post-graduation advisement


  • Be a voice for the elementary education students
  • Promote MEA activities to elementary education students
  • Collaborate with other officers to plan and carry out activities


Q: What does MEA stand for?
A: Mathematics Education Association

Q: What is MEA?
A: MEA is a student organization for students at BYU that are mathematics education majors, or are interested in learning about mathematics education.

Q: Do I have to be a Mathematics Education major to join?
A: Of course not! All majors are welcome.

Q: How often does MEA meet?
A: Between 1-2 times a month for activities possibility including a lecture.

Q: How will I know when activities are?
A: Emails will be sent out to all members about every activity and information will be posted on the video signage in the lobby. You can always check the website for the most up-to-date information on everything pertaining to MEA.

Q: Do I have to attend every event?
A: You are free to choose which activities you’d like to attend, but I don’t know why you would ever want to miss any!

Q: If I want to bring a friend to check out an activity is that ok?
A: We definitely welcome friends of our members at MEA events. However, some activities will be exclusive to MEA members only, we’ll let you know which ones.

Q: How much are student dues?
A: Great news – The Department of Mathematics Education has recently made the decision to absorb all of the costs of running MEA. Consequently, your declaration as a mathematics education major automatically entitles you to membership in MEA and participation free of charge in all of its activities. If you want a t-shirt (which, you do) go to the Math Ed office (167 TMCB) to purchase one.

Q: What kind of activities does MEA do?
A: Our activities range from lecture series to lesson planning workshops to presentations on research and student teaching to social events, and more.

Q: Does MEA do any service projects?
A: Yes, we will organize other service projects throughout the school year.

Q: Is MEA involved with UCTM or NCTM?
A: Yes, MEA is sponsored by the UCTM and is an affiliate of NCTM.

Q: Can MEA help me join NCTM?
A: Most certainly! Just ask any board member.

Q: What kind of resources does MEA provide?
A: Check out our Resources pages for everything you need to know.

Q: Is MEA an official student organization of BYU?
A: Yes

Q: Can non-BYU students join?
A: Reluctantly, non-BYU students cannot be official members of MEA.

More questions? Feel free to send an email to office@mathed.byu.edu or drop us a note at the mathematics education office. We’ll get the answer to you as soon as possible!


When you declare yourself as a mathematics education major, you are automatically a part of BYU’s Mathematics Education Association. Also, those enrolled in the elementary education classes taught by the mathematics education department are members.


Fun Math Games

Math at the Mall—Money and Decision Making

This game is awesome because not only does it allow students to practice important math skills, it puts it in a real life scenario so students can see that the math they are learning and using is actually meaningful to them.

Algebraic Reasoning
This helps students learn about algebra and balances of equations and solving for variables.Some professors from the math education department have made lists of books and articles that they think are good resources for future math educators.