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  • Assist in set up and clean up of workshops
  • Help with organizing of service projects
  • Volunteer work at various schools and conferences
  • Contribute to publicity
  • Help at lectures

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Executive Board

Be a part of the Executive Board

MEA’s Executive Board plans and carries out all the operations of MEA. The executive board plans activities, lecture series, and service projects. Members of the executive board also keep up with UCTM and NCTM, and looks for ways to unify the major and get people excited about mathematics education.

Q: What kind of time commitment is required to be on the MEA Executive Board?
A: Weekly executive board meeting are mandatory, as well as attendance at all MEA activities. Additional responsibilities vary for each position. Check out the MEA Charter for details.

Q: Is there any special requirements for Board members and how long do they serve?
A: An executive board member must be a DECLARED mathematics education major and canNOT be doing their student teaching during their term of service. Board members serve during a fall-winter school year. Additionally, the president and vice president MUST be members of NCTM.

Q: What positions make up the Executive Board?
A: President, Vice President, Secretary, Publicity Officer, Hospitality Officer, Graduate Student Representative and two Elementary Education Reps.

A new Executive board is chosen each winter semester to serve the following school year.