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The Department of Mathematics Education offers a program of graduate study that leads to a Master of Science degree in mathematics education. Through the experiences this program offers, graduate students will extend their own understanding of mathematics and deepen their understanding of learners’ mathematical thinking. Our department values close, detailed mentoring of each graduate student as an active member of the scholarly community—a community devoted to exploration and inquiry into the learning and teaching of mathematics. Our program emphasizes interactions with faculty in course work that (1) allows students to explore new mathematical understanding in both personal and social contexts; (2) immerses students deeply in exploration, inquiry, analysis and exposition; and (3) familiarizes students with the ever-expanding body of research literature on learning and teaching mathematics and with prevailing research methodologies. The cumulative experiences of our program prepare graduates to enter top mathematics education doctoral programs, to take on important leadership roles in school mathematics education communities, and to return to classrooms better equipped to teach lessons that are informed by students’ mathematical thinking.

Tentative Schedule of Offerings


MthEd 590

MthEd 663

MthEd 611R

MthEd 591

MthEd 660

MthEd 611R

MthEd 608

MthEd 590

MthEd 661

MthEd 611R

MthEd 591

MthEd 598R

MthEd 611R

MthEd 562

MthEd 590

MthEd 550

MthEd 611R

MthEd 591

MthEd 663

MthEd 611R

MthEd 660

Course Descriptions

500. Business Practices for Science & Mathematics Majors. (1.5)
Introduction to budgeting, project planning, oral business presentation, technology readiness, teaming, product liability. Specifically for science and math majors.

550. Problem Solving. (3)
Prerequisite: strong background in undergraduate mathematics; instructor’s consent.
Solving and building explanations and presenting solutions to conceptually important problems. Analyzing research on problem solving and its role in teaching and learning mathematics.

562. Euclidean Geometry: Content, Learning, and Teaching. (3)
Prerequisite: Math 362 or equivalent.
Euclidean geometry, including classical problems, polyhedra, transformations, congruence, similarity, integer geometry, minimization; technology in geometry, Van Hiele levels, role of proof, and high school curriculum.

590. Foundational Issues in Learning Mathematics. (3)
Prerequisite: teaching certificate or completion of student teaching.
Introduction to research in mathematics learning; mathematical thinking; cognitive, social, and philosophical approaches to describing mathematics learning.

591. Scholarly Inquiry in Mathematics Education. (3)
Prerequisite: Mthed 590.
Introduction to scholarly inquiry in mathematics education; issues in research methodology.

598R. Topics in Mathematics Education. (1-3)
Prerequisite: instructor’s consent.
Includes specific research areas and curriculum studies of school mathematics topics (i.e., geometry, algebra, and calculus).

608. Technology for Learning and Teaching Mathematics. (3)
Prerequisite: BA in mathematics education or equivalent; Mthed 308 or equivalent.
Analyzing research relative to learning mathematics with technology; exploring mathematical problems using technology; design curriculum; conducting research in the learning and teaching of mathematics with technology.

611R. Graduate Student Seminar. (1)
Prerequisite: instructor’s consent.
Reading, discussing, and writing about relevant public discourse, policies, and issues in a broad arena of mathematics education.

660. Number and Number Sense. (3)
Prerequisite: BA in mathematics education or equivalent.
Research on children’s understanding of early numbers, number operations, number sense, multidigit arithmetic, fractions, decimals, and proportions.

661. Algebraic Reasoning. (3)
Prerequisite: BA in mathematics education or equivalent.
Fundamental concepts (e.g., variables, equality, pattern recognition, function, covariation, equations), processes (e.g., mathematizing, generalizing, modeling), and research in algebraic reasoning.

663. Calculus Teaching and Learning. (3)
Prerequisite: BA in mathematics education or equivalent.
Fundamental calculus concepts as well as the curricula, reform efforts, and research associated with teaching and learning calculus.

695R. Readings in Mathematics Education. (1-3)
Prerequisite: instructor’s consent.

698R. Master’s Project. (1-3)
Prerequisite: instructor’s consent.

699R. Master’s Thesis. (1-9)
Prerequisite: instructor’s consent.

Other Courses from Across Campus
Although a program of study should rely primarily on the graduate courses offered in the Department of Mathematics Education, there are several other courses across campus that may complement the program. The following courses are provided as suggested possibilities only; students should always consult with their advisor before taking them.

Anthr 543, 590R

Math 510, 511, 521, 522, 532, 534, 547, 548, 570, 587

Counseling Psychology and Special Education
CPSE 622, 649

Educational Leadership and Foundations
EdLF 600, 602, 614, 617, 631, 640, 641, 645, 646, 655, 656, 663, 668, 672, 677, 678

Instructional Psychology & Technology
IP&T 515R, 564, 620, 661

Psych 503, 510, 511, 531, 560, 575, 645

Soc 623, 667

Stat 511, 512, 536

Teacher Education
TEd 603, 604, 612, 613, 635, 653R, 654R, 660, 661, 665, 680, 681, 682, 683, 685, 692, 693