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MEA is proud to be officially affiliated with NCTM and UCTM.


MEA is proud to announce it is a student affiliate of NCTM. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a public voice of mathematics education, providing vision, leadership and professional development to support teachers in ensuring equitable mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students. The Standards written by NCTM constitute the foundation of the course Mthed 276. NCTM is an integral resource for anyone involved in mathematics education, from students to practicing teachers of all grades and levels, to administrators and public policy members. Click here to learn more about NCTM.

As an affiliate of NCTM, MEA has an unique opportunity to pull from the foremost mathematics education source in the country. Benefits include:

  • Linked with the world’s largest mathematics teachers organization and its 230+ affiliates around the world
  • Linked with other student groups across the country
  • Representation at the delegate assembly that convenes at the NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition each year
  • Opportunity to attend NCTM Affiliate Leaders Conferences
  • Regular communication from NCTM’s Affiliate Services and the Affiliate Services Committee
  • $50 NCTM gift certificate of appreciation for the faculty advisor to use towards materials, membership or conference registration (sent annually)
  • $50 NCTM gift certificate for the student affiliate to use towards NCTM materials for the organization (sent annually)

As an affiliate MEA will seek to:

  • Build professional community on our campus
  • Engage pre-service teachers across all grade levels
  • Develop pride in our future mathematics teachers
  • Provide a platform for focused discussions on mathematics education
  • Help prepare highly qualified teachers
  • Develop future leaders in mathematics education

The NCTM website has excellent resources for all MEA members such as:

MEA highly encourages ALL of its members to JOIN NCTM


MEA is Proudly Sponsored by UCTM

UCTM, The Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics, is the Utah chapter of NCTM. MEA recently became a sponsored student affiliation of UCTM. As an affiliate, MEA has the opportunity to be a part of what UCTM does, including the conference in the fall and keeping up with the concerns, questions, research, and happenings of the mathematics education world in Utah.

There are many opportunities for MEA members to become a part of the bigger mathematics education world. To learn more about UCTM click here.

MEA is really excited about the upcoming year and it’s involvement with UCTM!