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Graduate Faculty

Douglas L. Corey, PhD, University of Michigan, 2007
Corey’s interests include understanding the characteristics of high-quality mathematics instruction and what mathematical knowledge teachers need to help students develop mathematical understanding. Current projects include studying the conceptions of high-quality instruction of expert teachers and international comparisons of instructional quality.

Kate R. Johnson, PhD, Michigan State University, 2013
Johnson’s interests include illuminating and understanding the influence of teacher identity on the practice of teaching mathematics for social justice and learning to teach. Current research projects focus on developing understanding about how teachers learn to teach mathematics for social justice, how people discuss the role of race and gender in mathematics education, and how religious identity influences understanding about issues of social justice.

Steven R. Jones, PhD, University of Maryland, 2010
Dr. Jones researches how students come to understand and make sense of various calculus concepts. He also researches how students use these concepts in science and engineering in order to learn better how to support students’ applications of mathematics to other coursework.

Keith R. Leatham, PhD, University of Georgia, 2002
His research focuses on understanding how teachers learn to facilitate student mathematics learning. In particular he studies how teachers learn to use technology in teaching and learning mathematics, how they learn to recognize and use students’ mathematical thinking, and how their beliefs about mathematics, its teaching and learning are related to the learning-to-teach process.

Blake E. Peterson, PhD, Washington State University, 1993
Peterson’s research centers on how preservice teachers learn to teach mathematics. More specifically, he has studied student teaching in the United States and in Japan and how the structure of that experience influences the opportunity for preservice teachers to learn. Intertwined with his research in Japan is an effort to understand how to teach preservice mathematics teachers to recognize and effectively build on student mathematical thinking during instruction. Much of this recent work on the productive use of student mathematical thinking has been done as part of the MOST (Mathematical Opportunities in Student Thinking) project.

Daniel K. Siebert, PhD, University of California—San Diego, 2000
Research interests include discourse and literacy in mathematics classrooms. Current research projects focus on how students learn mathematical discourse and how a literacy perspective can be used to support mathematics teaching and learning.

Dawn Teuscher, PhD, University of Missouri, 2008
Teuscher studies how national policy and mathematics curriculum influences teachers and students. Research projects include analyzing how secondary mathematics teachers shift their teaching to focus on student thinking and how that shift helps students, and analyzing precalculus students’ mathematical understanding of rate of change and functions as they enter calculus.

Steven R. Williams, PhD, University of Wisconsin—Madison, 1989
Advanced mathematical thinking (including calculus concepts, advanced algebra, and proof), and sociocultural approaches to knowledge and classroom discourse are some of Williams’ research interests. Past research projects include studies in abstract and linear algebra, proof, limit concepts, classroom discourse, and knowledge construction through discourse.