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Douglas Corey

Associate Professor

Office: 171A TMCB

Ph.D. Mathematics Education2007University of Michigan
M.A. Statistics2004University of Michigan
M.A. Mathematics2001Brigham Young University
B.A. Mathematics Education1999Brigham Young University

Associate Professor2013-PresentBrigham Young University
Assistant Professor2007-2013Brigham Young University
Mathematics Instructor2006-2007Brigham Young University
Selected Publications
Corey, D. L. & Jones, S.R. (Eds.) (2023). Sharing and storying knowledge about teaching undergraduate mathematics: An introduction to a written genre for sharing lesson-specific instructional knowledge. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America.
Corey, D. L., & Jones, S. R. (2022). Sharing instructional knowledge via lesson analysis. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 1-8.
Weinberg, A., Corey, D. L., Tallman, M., Jones, S. R., & Martin, J. (2022). Observing Intellectual Need and its Relationship with Undergraduate Students’ Learning of Calculus. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 1-31.
Melville, M. & Corey, D.L. (2021). Kyouzaikenkyuur: An exploration of Japanese mathematics teacher's daily planning practices. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
Corey, D. L., Williams, S., Monroe, E. E., & Wagner, M. (2021). Teachers’ knowledge of student mathematical thinking in written instructional products. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 24(6), 613-639.
Corey, D. L., Badger, J., & Lauzon, S. (2019). Spirals, triangles, and tie-dyed t-shirts. College Mathematics Journal.
Corey, D. L., & Ninomiya, H. (2019). Values of the Japanese mathematics teacher community. In Clarkson, P., Seah, W. T., & Suk, J. (Eds.), Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education. Springer: Berlin.
Hill, H., Corey, D. L., & Jacob, R. (2018). Dividing by zero: exploring null results in a mathematics professional development program. Teacher’s College Record, 120(6), 1-42.
Jacob, R., Hill, H., & Corey, D. L. (2017). The impact of a professional development program on teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching, instruction, and student achievement. Journal of Research in Educational Effectiveness, 10(2), 379-407.
Ninomiya, H., & Corey, D. L. (2016). A study on the implicit abilities of teaching: the comparative study between Japan and the US. Journal of the Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education: Research in Mathematics Education, 22(2), 109-121.
Hansen, D., Schone, P. J., Corey, D. L., Reid, M., & Gehring, J. (2013). Quality control mechanisms for crowdsourcing: Peer review, arbitration, & expertise at FamilySearch indexing. CSCW ’13: Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 649-660.
Peterson, B. E., Corey, D. L., Lewis, B. M., & Bukarau, J. (2013). Intellectual engagement and five other principles of high-quality mathematics instruction. The Mathematics Teacher 106 (6), 446-450.
Phelps, G., Corey, D. L., Demonte, E., Harrison, D., & Ball, D. L. (2012). How much English language arts and mathematics instruction do students receive? Investigating variation in instructional time. Educational Policy 26(5) 631-662.
Corey, D. L., Phelps, G., Demonte, E., Harrison, D., & Ball, D. L. (2012). Explaining Variation in Instructional Time: An Application of Quantile Regression. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 34(2) 146-163.
Corey, D. L., Peterson, B. E., Lewis, B. M., & Bukarau, J. (2010). Are there any places that students use their heads? Principles of high-quality japanese mathematics instruction. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 41, 438-478.
Katz, L. A., Stone, C. A., Carlisle, J. F., Corey, D. L., & Zeng, J. (2008). Progress of children identified with speech-language and learning disabilities in Michigan’s reading-first schools during the first two years of implementation. Exceptional Children 74(2) 235-256.