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Developing a Qualitative Data Analysis Process with a Multi-Research Team

Sunday, October 01 - Wednesday, October 04
PMENA 2023 in Reno, Nevada

This poster presents a multi-researcher team’s process of engaging in qualitative data analysis. Three subgroups, each including an experienced researcher and a graduate student, applied iterative approaches to code and identify data patterns regarding ways middle school mathematics teachers use curricular reasoning (CR) to engage learners. Teachers use CR as they design and enact instruction with their students, curriculum materials, and standards in mind. This poster will present ways each subgroup of researchers analyzed the following CR aspects: analyzing curricular materials, viewing mathematics from the learner perspective, and considering mathematical meaning. The poster will illustrate how we created space for dialogue about data analysis, wove seven researchers' perspectives together, and discussed different approaches to analyzing data. Our process has implications for other researchers as they consider data analysis approaches in their contexts, especially when analyzing complex data sets focused on teaching and learning.

Tara Heikila, Washington State University; Nicole Stripling, University of Arkansas; Kate Webster and Dawn Teuscher, Brigham Young University; Amy Roth-McDuffie, Washington State University; and Shannon Dingman, University of Arkansas.
